These are really tasty and probably far too easy to be safe for your waistline lol, 10/10. One slight modification to the recipe I made was the use of butter to grease the muffin tins instead of non-stick spray. Since my pan is already non-stick, I avoid using spray, as it tends to leave a gummy residue on non-stick pans. Even with the butter, these did stick a little in a couple of places, which may have been that I didn't get those quite as well coated. Tip: thaw the puff pastry in your fridge for best pliability. I had mine in the fridge for around 3 days and it was fine (was worried this was too long), even though it was past the date on the package (what I'm saying is, don't throw it out if yours is, too :)) I thought I had pictures for this recipe, but cannot find them, so I will post some next time I make this!
Link to original recipe:
Recipe below contains my modifications.