29 February 2016

Tangerine Soufflé with Citrus Sauce

My second soufflé experience was not at all like my first.  While I did remember to verify the recipe was for the 2 qt. size dish this time, the result was a bit different.  It tasted good--not good enough to repeat, though.  I shall seek out other soufflé recipes, of course.  I followed this recipe nearly exactly:

I believe one major flaw is the lack of specification on type and weight of tangerines.  I used mostly honey tangerines, as I bought a bag of those, believing it would be enough.  It was almost enough; when I went for my second grocery run, it was a different store where the honey tangerines looked awful, but they had some smaller ones (closer to size of clementines) that looked very nice, so I ended up using a few of those.  I am certain that the amount of sauce that would have been produced for the citrus sauce would have been far less with the smaller variety.  Anyhow, like I said, it wasn't bad, just not spectacular.  And oh did it ever climb!  Perhaps even a little too much, but that was not a problem.  If you do decide to attempt this recipe, be advised that the baking time needs to likely be 5-10 minutes longer.  It says that it is supposed to be a bit wobbly in center; mine was perhaps too wobbly.  And the citrus sauce does NOT thicken in the fridge, not even after adding some cornstarch and cooking it a little.


--citrus sauce-- (I refuse to call it 'coulis' like it is in recipe, as this is nowhere near such)
6 tangerines, peeled
1/4 c. fresh tangerine juice
3 T. sugar
1 T. fresh lemon juice

unsalted butter (to brush/coat inside of soufflé mold)
5 T. plus 1/2 c. sugar, divided
3/4 c. fresh tangerine juice, divided
1 T. plus 2 tsp. cornstarch
2 tsp. finely grated tangerine zest
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
6 large egg whites, room temperature
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
4 large egg yolks, room temperature
powdered sugar, for dusting


1. For the citrus sauce: purée all 'citrus sauce' ingredients in a blender until smooth.

2. Pour through a strainer set over a medium bowl.  Chill for at least 1 hour, up to 1 day.

3. Heat oven to 400°F.  Brush the soufflé dish with melted butter, then coat with 2 T. of sugar and set aside.

4. For the soufflé: whisk together 2 T. tangerine juice and cornstarch in a small bowl.

5. Bring 1/2 c. tangerine juice, 3 T. sugar, and zest to boil in a small saucepan, stirring until sugar dissolves.

6. Add cornstarch mixture and whisk constantly until thickened, about 1 minute.  Transfer to a large bowl.

7. Whisk in lemon juice and remaining 2 T. tangerine juice.  Let mixture cool.

8. Meanwhile, place egg whites with cream of tartar in a large bowl.  Beat with an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form.

9. With mixer running, gradually add remaining 1/2 c. sugar by tablespoonfuls, beating until blended between additions.  Continue beating meringue, increase speed to medium-high, until firm, glossy peaks form.

10. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks with electric mixer until light and pale yellow, about 3 minutes.

11. Gently stir in 1/2 c. of the meringue into the egg yolks.

12. Carefully fold in remaining meringue.  Transfer mixture to prepared soufflé dish.

13. Place soufflé in oven, then reduce temperature to 375°F.  Bake until set around edges but still slightly wobbly in center, about 40 minutes (as mentioned above, I think 45-50 minutes may be better).

14. Dust with powdered sugar and serve immediately with citrus sauce.

25 February 2016

Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes

As mentioned in yesterday's blog, I made these potatoes as a side dish to go with the pork loin; they would also go well with nearly any dish, as their flavor is not overpowering.  I had always wanted to try making Hasselback potatoes, as they look so pretty in pictures.  Mine didn't turn out quite so beautiful, but very tasty, which is far more important to me!  This link has the original recipe, which I adapted to suit my needs:

Here's that wonderful yummy dinner pic again, potatoes on the side:


around 10 small to medium yukon gold potatoes (slightly bigger than extra large eggs)
6 T. olive oil
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
3 pinches kosher salt
2 pinches black pepper
2 pinches paprika
2 oz. finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano


1. I made these in the toaster oven, which I set to 425°F.  I would assume the same temperature for regular oven, as that is what the original recipe indicated.

2. Make crosswise cuts on the potatoes, around 1/8" apart--only slice to about 1/4" from edge (you want a 'fan' effect to happen once the potatoes start baking).  If you get too close to edge, the potatoes may break all the way open during baking (will still taste fine, just won't be fanned).

3. Mix together all remaining ingredients in a small bowl.

4. Place potatoes on baking tray (I lined mine with aluminum foil to make clean up easier and recommend it) with fan-cuts up.  Spread 1/3 of mixture over fan cuts, pushing down slightly to press it in-between slits a little.

5. Bake for 15 minutes, then remove from oven and spread another 1/3 of mixture over tops.  Bake for additional 15 minutes, then repeat process one more time (with another 15 minutes, total of 45 minutes baking time).

6. Let potatoes rest for 5 minutes before serving, if possible.  Enjoy!

24 February 2016

Spinach & Mushroom-Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Cream Sauce

Want a fairly easy dinner with moist pork tenderloin?  Look no further, this is it!  This recipe is sooooo yummy, even without the sauce.  But oh, the sauce!  Provided you like shallots, that is...  I made Parmesan Hasselback Potatoes to go with it and they were really yummy as well (recipe will be posted tomorrow for those).

Original recipe:


5 T. extra virgin olive oil, divided
4 oz. shiitake mushroom caps (measured after stems removed), thinly sliced
kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper
5 oz. baby spinach
1 pork tenderloin, around 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 lbs.
1 T. fresh thyme leaves, chopped
1/4 c. freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano
2 large shallots, minced
3/4 c. low-salt canned chicken broth
2 1/2 T. sherry vinegar
2 T. heavy cream (I think half-and-half could be subbed here)


1. Shape pork tenderloin: trim the loin of any silver skin and/or excess fat.  Butterfly the tenderloin by cutting a long slice lengthwise.  Cut almost all the way through the thickness, but not completely.  Spread open, cover with plastic wrap, and pound with meat mallet until around 1/4" thick.

2. Heat oven to 450°F.

3. Heat 2 T. of the olive oil in a heavy, ovenproof 12" skillet (I chose cast iron) over medium-high heat.  Add the mushrooms, sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. each of salt and pepper.  Cook until browned and tender, around 3 minutes.

4. Stir in the spinach, sprinkle with salt.  Cook, using tongs to toss well, until just wilted, about 2 minutes.  Transfer spinach mixture to a small colander and set skillet aside.

5. Rub the pork loin all over with 1 T. of the oil (I took this to mean both sides, but it may mean just one side).

6. Rub open side with half of the thyme and 1/2 tsp. each of salt and pepper.

7. Squeeze out any excess liquid from the spinach mixture.  Spread mixture over the pork loin, leaving a 2-inch border along one of the longer edges.

8. Sprinkle on the Parmigiano-Reggiano.

9. Starting with the long side that is covered with filling, roll the tenderloin toward the bare-border side to form a long cylinder.  Secure closed with 5 pieces of kitchen twine (or toothpicks, if no twine available).

10. Heat the remaining 2 T. of oil in the skillet over medium-high heat until shimmering hot.  Sear the pork on all 3 non-seam sides until well browned, about 6 minutes total.

11. Flip onto seam side, then transfer skillet to oven.  (I think I forgot to flip mine, so not sure if it was already on seam side or not when I put mine in oven.)  Bake for 10-15 minutes, until reaches internal temperature of 140°F.  Transfer meat to a platter and tent with aluminum foil to rest while you make the sauce.

12.  In same skillet, return to stove over medium-high heat.  Add shallots, sprinkle with 1/4 tsp. salt, and cook for about 2 minutes.

13. Add the chicken broth, sherry vinegar, and remaining 1 1/2 tsp. thyme.  Simmer until mixture reduces by a bit more than half, around 4 minutes.

14. Stir in the cream and season with salt and pepper to taste.

15. Slice up pork and serve with sauce.  Enjoy!!

23 February 2016

Roasted Parmesan Potatoes

As mentioned in yesterday's entry, I made these to go with the filet mignon with Pinot Noir sauce--a delicious accompaniment!  I hadn't made these in a while for some reason (could be all these other wonderful recipes I've been trying making me forget about some of my old faves lol).  The original recipe is another card from the Easy Everyday Cooking collection I've mentioned in many pervious entries.  You could make these with any type of potato, I think; I've made them with russets and yukons with equally tasty results (used yukons this time).


1 1/4 lbs. potatoes, cut in dice-sized cubes or slightly larger
1 T. canola oil
3 T. grated Parmesan cheese
2 tsp. dried parsley
1 tsp. paprika
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper


1. Heat oven to 450°F.  Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with non-stick baking spray.  If a faster cooking time is desired, place cubed potatoes in a microwave-safe bowl, cover, and microwave for 5 minutes (I did this, recommend it.)

2. Toss potatoes with oil.

3. Combine remaining ingredients in a small bowl.  Add mixture to potatoes bowl and stir until coated evenly.

4. Spread potatoes onto prepared foil on baking sheet in a even single layer.  Bake, turning once (or forget to turn, like me) for 25 minutes (reduce to 15 if microwave was used in first step).

5. Serve and enjoy!

22 February 2016

Filet Mignon with Pinot Noir Sauce

This is yet another delicious wine-based sauce with my favorite steak cut, filet mignon.  The original recipe includes directions for popovers, but lacking a popover pan and the desire to make them, I opted for making some roasted Parmesan potatoes, which will be posted tomorrow :)  I renamed the recipe for the blog title this time because 'beef filets with mushroom sauce' is simply not specific enough for me.

Original recipe link:


1/2 oz. dried porcini mushrooms
2 c. boiling water (I will reduce this to 1 1/4 c. next time)
1 1/2 tsp. olive oil
1/3 c. thinly sliced shallots
4 oz. sliced cremini (baby bella) mushroom caps (I weighed after removing stems)
1 tsp. bottled minced garlic
1/4 tsp. kosher salt
1/4 tsp. coarse ground black pepper
1/2 c. Pinot Noir (I used Bogle brand)
2 T. all-purpose flour
2 T. chopped fresh sage
1 T. chopped fresh thyme

1 T. olive oil
up to 4 filets mignons (I used 3, didn't weigh, estimate around 5-6 oz. each)
kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper


1. Combine porcinis and boiling water in a bowl.  Cover and let mushrooms soak for at least 15 minutes (think I left mine for closer to 30).  Drain through a sieve over a bowl, reserving both mushrooms and liquid.

2. Heat a large saucepan over medium-high heat.  Add 1 1/2 tsp. oil to pan, swirl to coat.  Add the shallots to the pan and sauté for 1 minute.

3. Add cremini mushrooms to pan and sauté for 2 minutes, or until tender.

4. Add garlic to pan and sauté for 30 seconds, stirring constantly.

5. Stir in the porcini, kosher salt, and pepper.  Sauté for 1 minute.

6. Add wine to pan and bring to boil.  Cook until liquid nearly evaporates (recipe says around 3 minutes; I think it took more like 5-6).

7. Sprinkle flour over mixture and cook for 1 minute, stirring frequently.

8. Gradually add reserved mushroom soaking liquid, stirring constantly.  (I did not use all the liquid--only about half or slightly over.)  Add until desired thickness is achieved and stir in herbs.  Cook for 2 more minutes.

9. For the beef: heat large skillet (I chose cast iron) over medium-high heat with 1 T. oil.  Season beef with kosher salt and coarse ground pepper as desired and add to skillet.  (My filets are tied around center because I cut them directly from a tenderloin. One of the three I cooked is missing because I'd already taken it out (I like mine much more rare than rest of family.))  Cook until desired doneness and remove from pan.

10. Serve with sauce and enjoy!

20 February 2016

Roast Chicken with Fingerling Potatoes

To celebrate the day after Valentine's day (when I actually had the chance to cook instead of work), I wanted to make something really delicious and involved.  This was exactly what I had in mind!  It's not that it's difficult, just time-consuming, especially the prep part for me (perhaps other fast chefs can whiz through, but not this one lol).  Anyhow, I will definitely make this again...and again...  The potatoes are just amazing with the tender, barely sweet leeks, and bacon that doesn't overshadow all the other flavors.

Link to original recipe:


1 whole chicken, around 4 lbs. (I am not sure exactly what mine weighed)
kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper
2 T. finely chopped Italian parsley, plus 10 small sprigs
4 fresh or dried bay leaves, divided (I used fresh)
1 T. finely chopped fresh thyme, plus 2 sprigs
2 large leeks (the ones I used were slightly more than the diameter or a half dollar at bottom), white and light green parts halved lengthwise and then cut into 3/8" crosswise slices to obtain 4 cups total, dark green part of one leek chopped and reserved
3 strips thick cut bacon, cut in 3/8" crosswise pieces
1 T. olive oil
2 large cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
1 1/2 lbs. fingerling potatoes, sliced in 1/8" rounds
1 1/2 c. chicken broth (I used half homemade chicken stock, half canned broth)
2 T. unsalted butter, microwaved just long enough to start melting but still have some solid (stir to form thick liquid)
dried thyme to season outside of chicken


1. Remove giblets packet from chicken, discard.  Trim off any excess fat from the cavity and neck, then dry with paper towels.

2. Generously season the chicken inside and out with 1 T. of kosher salt and 1/2 tsp. coarse ground pepper.

3. Stuff the cavity with the 10 sprigs of parsley, 3 of the bay leaves (if fresh, crush lightly), 2 sprigs of thyme, and the chopped dark green leek part (until cavity is filled; I was not able to use all that I had chopped).  Tuck the wings behind the neck of chicken.  Tie legs together with string. (**I did it this way this time, but I would wait to tie shut until later step next time.**)  Let chicken rest at room temperature while you complete remaining prep.

4. In a 12" ovenproof skillet (must tolerate 450°F; I used my cast-iron skillet), cook the bacon in the olive oil over medium-high heat, until it just begins to brown at edges.  (I think I may have forgotten to add the olive oil, but since I cooked a couple of extra slices for my kiddo, there was enough rendered fat.)  If you can do it, the recipe indicates to leave the bacon in the pan and spoon out all but 1 T. of the oil/rendered fat (and reserve what you spoon out).  I opted to remove the bacon, pour the oil/fat into glass measure, then pour 1 T. back into pan and transfer bacon back to pan.  Either way, make sure you reserve the rest of the rendered fat.

5. Reduce heat to medium and add the leeks, garlic, 1 bay leaf, and the chopped thyme.  Season lightly with salt and pepper.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until the leeks are soft and transluscent (5 to 7 minutes).  Transfer to a plate.

6. Heat oven to 450°F.

7. In same pan, arrange half of potatoes in an even layer, then season lightly with salt and pepper (**the pink/purple colored ones in pic are just red fingerlings, not sausage as it might appear to some).

8. Scatter leek mixture over potatoes layer.  Arrange remaining potatoes in even layer over top of leeks.  Season again lightly with salt and pepper.

9. Pour broth over vegetables.

10. Pour 1 T. of reserved bacon fat into cavity of chicken (mine was already closed on the tied end, but the opposite end had a small opening, so I used that.  As I said in earlier step, I will wait to close chicken until after adding the fat in the future).

11. Brush the melted/soft butter over the chicken's skin, then sprinkle with the dried thyme.  Place the chicken atop the potatoes, breast side up.

12. Roast the chicken until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh registers 165-170°F, about 1 hour.  (I actually set my oven to 435°F, as I find 450 to make chicken turn out on the dry side.  It took closer to an hour and a half.)

13.  The original recipe calls for transferring the chicken to a platter at this point and letting it rest for 15 minutes.  We were too hungry for that, so we just dug in and it was delicious.  Still, if you can stand to wait, it will probably make the bird even more juicy.  I also omitted the chopped parsley, which is to be added to veggies at the end.  Thus, serve the way you desire and enjoy!