08 February 2016

Fricassée de Poulet

I think I'm going to end up cooking half of this cookbook at the rate I'm going lol.  This is another recipe from French: Delicious Classic Cuisine Made Easy by Clements & Wolf-Cohen.  It's a really tasty dish, though not quite as amazing as some of the others I've tried.  Still, I would happily make this again.  The nice thing is that I had nearly all of the ingredients already on hand--only had to go get some cippolini (small onions).


2 1/2 to 3 lbs. bone-in chicken pieces (I chose to use all drumsticks, as that is what I had on hand)
4 T. butter, divided
2 T. canola oil
3 T. flour
1 c. dry white wine (I used a Vouvray this time; next time, I will try a Chardonnay)
2 c. chicken stock (I used my homemade version)
1 c. chicken broth (original recipe calls for 3 c. of this instead of the split I have here)
bouquet garni (used thyme, rosemary, and 1 bay leaf)
freshly ground pepper, to taste
8 oz. button mushrooms, stems trimmed (I would use more next time)
1 tsp. lemon juice
16-24 cipollini (little onions--could substitute pearl onions), peeled
1/2 c. water
1 tsp. sugar
6 T. heavy cream
salt, to taste
fresh or dried parsley, to taste


1. Dry chicken pieces with paper towels.  Melt half of butter over medium heat in Dutch oven, and then add oil.  Add half of chicken pieces and cook for 10 minutes, turning occasionally, until browned lightly all over.  Transfer chicken to a plate.  Repeat for remaining chicken pieces.

2. Return chicken pieces to pot.  Sprinkle flour over pieces and turn to coat.  Reduce heat to low and cook for 4 minutes, turning occasionally.

3. Pour in the wine, increase heat to bring to a boil, and then add the broth.  Stir to combine, scraping bottom of pot to free any browned bits.

4. Bring liquid to boil, add the bouquet garni, salt, and pepper.  Return to medium heat, cover, and cook for 25-30 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, in a frying pan, heat the remaining butter over medium-high heat.  Add the mushrooms and lemon juice.  Cook for around 4 minutes, until mushrooms are golden/browned, stirring occasionally.

6. Transfer mushrooms to a bowl.  Add the onions, water, and sugar to the pan, stirring to dissolve the sugar.  Simmer for around 10 minutes; the water will gone and onions will be caramelized.

7. Add onions to bowl with mushrooms.  Once the chicken has finished cooking, transfer the pieces to a plate and remove/discard bouquet garni.  Add the mushrooms and onions to the sauce and bring to a boil, stirring frequently.  Cook for around 10-15 minutes, until sauce is reduced by 1/3 to 1/2.

8. Stir in cream and cook for 2 minutes.  Return chicken to pot and cook for additional 2 minutes.  Adjust salt and pepper as needed and add parsley.  Serve up and enjoy!

05 February 2016


In honor of the French tradition (la chandeleur), I actually made these on the 2nd of February, but just now posting them.  I'd attempted some 'quick crêpes' in a past post, yet did not really care for the recipe I used back then.  This time, I listened to the advice of my fellow French teachers in a discussion group to which I belong and this recipe was the one voted as easy and successful every time used:

I completely agree--this recipe is just right!  I used it with both savory and dessert fillings, tasted great both ways.  This is a keeper :)


2 large eggs
3/4 c. milk (I used 2%)
1/2 c. water
1 c. flour
3 T. melted butter, plus additional for pan/cooking the crêpes


1. Add all ingredients to a blender and pulse for 10 seconds (I used the 'low' blend setting on mine).

2. Refrigerate batter for at least 1 hour (48 at most).

3. Heat a non-stick medium skillet (10") over slightly higher than medium heat (note to self: 4 1/2 on my stove).  Melt a small amount of butter (like a 1/2 tsp.?  didn't measure) in pan and swirl around.  Pour in a small amount of crêpe batter (making a circle that is about 4" or so in diameter) and immediately tilt pan to swirl batter all over (you want this to be very thin and as evenly spread as possible--it takes a little practice.  No pic here because this step has to happen very quickly.)

4. Cook crêpe for about 30 seconds; you should see edges browning and possibly curling up very slightly.  Flip crêpe to other side and cook for additional 15-30 seconds.  Immediately transfer to plate and add desired filling.  (You can roll it up, fold it over, or however you like to display it--going to be eaten within moments anyhow, right? :))

5.  Enjoy!  (one filled with Nutella is shown here)


Roquefort Sauce

I adore Roquefort cheese; my family does not, thus I rarely make recipes that have it (despite a very high desire to do so).  Since everyone can fill their crêpes with whatever they prefer, I decided to attempt a Roquefort sauce for my savory ones this time.  I adapted a recipe a bit and it turned out very tasty; however, it needed just a little something else.  I shall add some chopped walnuts or sliced mushrooms next time, think that would go well.  The amounts are in metric, as that is how I measured them as well.

Adapted and translated from:


30 g unsalted butter
20 g all-purpose flour
250 mL milk (2%)
pepper, to taste
2 T. crème fraîche
60 g Roquefort cheese, crumbled
shredded Gruyère, to taste


1. Over medium-low heat, melt butter in a medium skillet.  Add flour and whisk to combine.

2. Slowly whisk in milk, then add pepper to taste.  Bring to simmer, then simmer for 3 minutes.

3. Remove from heat.  Whisk in crème fraîche and Roquefort cheese.

4. Spread topping on crêpes and add desired amount of Gruyère (and any other desired toppings).  Enjoy!

04 February 2016

Pistachio Financiers

In all my travels in France, I've actually never tried these before.  I came across the recipe while looking for something to make with pistachios.  They are so cute and not too difficult to make :)

Link to original recipe: https://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Classic-Pistachio-Financiers/

Recipe below contains my modifications.


1 stick (8 T.) unsalted butter, plus more for buttering pan
1/2 c. all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting pan
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. light brown sugar (packed)
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
4 egg whites
1/2 c. finely ground pistachios
2 T. ground almonds/almond meal
1 tsp. baking powder


1. Butter financier molds (or, as I used in this case, a 24-cup mini muffin pan) and dust with flour.

2. Heat butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat.  Cook without stirring until butter starts to brown, about 5 minutes (watch carefully, it only needs to be barely brown).  Pour through a fine strainer into a bowl and let cool.

3. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, whisk together sugars, salt, and egg whites.

4. Stir in remaining ingredients on list until combined.

5. Add cooled butter and stir in until combined.  Refrigerate for 1 hour.

6. Heat oven to 350°F.  Dip batter into molds, approximately 1 heaping tsp. for each.  Bake for 16 minutes.

7. After removing from oven, immediately transfer cakes out of molds and onto cooling racks.  Enjoy!

03 February 2016

Braised Oxtail Ragù

This recipe is very tasty, but I don't know that I could say it is my favorite for oxtail.  It just seems to need a little something more.  And I made the mistake of serving it over regular pasta instead of egg noodles, which I do not think helped.  Still, it's good overall, worth making again to see if I can tweak it to get that extra depth it seems to need.

Original recipe here:


4-5 lbs. oxtail
salt and freshly ground pepper
flour, for dredging
1/4 c. olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
1 large carrot, chopped
2 celery ribs, chopped (I did all three together in the food processor)

1 can (28 oz.) crushed tomatoes
3 c. dry red wine
2 rosemary sprigs
2 thyme sprigs
2 bay leaves
2 tsp. bottled minced garlic
1/4 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg


1. Heat oven to 300°F.  (If you are a slow cook like me, you can wait until step 4 or so to do this.)

2. Pat meat dry with paper towels.  Salt and pepper to taste, then dredge in flour.  Tap off excess flour.

3. Heat oil over medium-high heat in a Dutch oven.  Add meat and brown on all sides, around 8-10 minutes.  Transfer meat to a plate.

4. Reduce heat slightly and add chopped onion/carrot/celery mix to pot.  Cook, stirring frequently, until softened and slightly browned, around 5-7 minutes.

5. Add remaining ingredients.  Bring to boil and let boil for 5 minutes.

6. Return meat to pot.  If liquid level is not covering meat, add water or beef broth to raise to covering level (I added broth, but not much).  Remove from hat, cover pot, and transfer to oven.  Cook for 3 to 4 hours.

7. Remove bones from meat and remove fresh herb remnants, discard.  Stir sauce to break up meat and combine.  Serve sauce over egg noodles or big pasta noodles, such a rigatoni (pictured below).  Enjoy :)

02 February 2016

Garlic and Gruyère Stuffed Mushrooms

I really need to just make these as a meal for myself some night.  I love stuffed mushrooms that much, honestly.

Original recipe here:


1/2 c. olive oil, plus more for drizzling
~24 oz. large button or cremini mushrooms (I used button this time)
salt and pepper, to taste
10 cloves garlic, minced
1 small shallot, minced
1/4 c. dry sherry
1 T. dried parsley
2 tsp. dried sage
1 egg white
1 1/4 c. coarsely grated Gruyère cheese
1/2 c. panko


1. Heat oven to 375°F.  Lightly oil a medium baking sheet.

2. Remove stems from caps of mushrooms and chop the stems, set aside.

3. In a medium bowl, toss mushroom caps with salt, pepper, and 2 T. out of the 1/2 c. olive oil.  Place mushrooms stem side down on baking sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, heat remaining oil and the garlic in a 12" skillet over medium heat.  Cook until garlic is golden brown, around 4-6 minutes.  Drain on a paper towel lined plate.

5. Add chopped mushroom stems, shallot, salt, and pepper to skillet.  Cook until shallot is softened, around 3-4 minutes.

6. Add sherry to skillet.  Increase heat slightly and cook until liquid has nearly evaporated, 2-3 minutes.  (I went slightly longer, think the oil was not quite as absorbed on the stems/did not have quite as much as original recipe called for.)

7. Transfer mixture to food processor.  Add parsley, sage, and egg white.  Pulse until coarsely ground.

8. Transfer to a medium bowl.  Stir in drained garlic, the Gruyère, and panko.

9. Turn on broiler to "hi" with rack in middle of oven.  Arrange mushroom caps stem side up on tray, all together.  Stuff each generously.  Drizzle with olive oil.

10. Broil for 2-3 minutes, until tops are browned.

11. Serve up and enjoy!

01 February 2016

Sautéed Potatoes

Yet another recipe from French: Delicious Classics Made Easy by Clements & Wolf-Cohen.  This was the first time I'd ever tried these and very happy I did.  They went very well with the amazing filets mignons I made the other day, as pictured:

The potatoes are fairly easy to make; they do need longer to cook than the recipe suggests, though (unless you like crunchy potatoes).


3 lbs. russet potatoes
4-6 T. oil, bacon drippings, or clarified butter (I opted for bacon drippings--highly recommend)
2-3 fresh rosemary sprigs, leaves removed and chopped
salt and freshly ground pepper


1. Peel the potatoes and cut into 1" pieces (or slightly smaller, like I did).  Place them in a bowl, cover with cold water, and let soak for 10-15 minutes.

2. Drain, rinse, and drain again, then dry thoroughly in a kitchen towel.  (I forgot to rinse them and still turned out ok...oops.  I also laid them out to dry on paper towels since I was busy cooking the other dish.)

3. In a large non-stick heavy frying pan, heat about 4 T. of the oil over medium-high heat.  Add the potatoes and cook for 2 minutes without stirring to seal/brown the potatoes on one side.

4. Shake the pan and toss the potatoes to brown on another side.  Repeat until potatoes are browned all over.  Season with salt and pepper.

5. Add remaining oil and reduce heat to medium-low.  Cook and stir potatoes for 25 minutes (or most likely more) until tender when pierced.

6. Around 5 minutes prior to being done, add rosemary and stir to blend in.  Enjoy!