21 October 2019

Chianti wine reduction for steak

I made this back in February of 2017--not sure why I didn't blog this part, as I did get the mushrooms in the picture blogged.  At any rate, it's been too long since I made it to give a proper rating, but I'm rather sure I really liked this one.  When I make it again, I'll have to update this :)

link to original recipe:


1 c. Chianti
1/2 c. beef stock
1 T. balsamic vinegar
1 T. shallots, chopped
1 tsp. Italian parsley, chopped

1. In a medium saucepan over high heat, bring Chianti to boil.  Lower heat to take it back down to a simmer and keep it simmering until reduced by half.

2. Add the beef stock, balsamic vinegar, and shallots.  Continue simmering until it is reduced by half again.

3. Stir in parsley and lower heat to keep sauce warm, no longer simmering.

4. Serve atop steaks and enjoy!

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