03 January 2018

Chicken and Potatoes with Garlic Parmesan Cream Sauce

Yes, it has been a while since my last post, my apologies.  Ever since I got back from France, I have been quite busy with trying to sell our house and get a new one, thus little time for cooking and blogging.  Hopefully all this will be done soon...but meanwhile, I'm still trying to get some cooking in here and there and will catch up with blog entries as I can!
Anyway, I had to make sure I got on and blogged this one before I forgot the modifications I made--it's so darn yummy!  Will be making again for sure.  Since the original indicates that it serves 2-3, yet only calls for 1 lb. of chicken thighs (and shows 5 in the picture--where does one get bone-in thighs so small?), I went double.  Very glad I did.  The amounts listed below are for the doubled recipe with my modifications.  Enjoy!  **I would normally use more of a bowl-shaped dish for this, but those are already packed away!**

Original recipe: http://www.eatwell101.com/chicken-potatoes-with-garlic-parmesan-cream-sauce


2 1/2 lb. bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs
4 tsp. Italian seasoning, divided
4 T. butter, divided
Kosher salt and coarse ground pepper, to taste
8 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. paprika
4 cups baby red potatoes (was 8 potatoes for ones I got), cut in bite-size chunks
4 medium tomatoes, diced (I used just under a quart of jarred chopped tomatoes my mom gave me)
2 c. chicken stock
2 c. heavy cream (could use half and half to cut calories if needed)
fresh spinach--recipe would call for 2 cups when doubled--not sure how one measures 2 cups of spinach, so I just put in a good bunch that looked like the right amount...
2 c. (didn't actually measure, just estimated) finely shredded Parmigiano-Reggiano, plus more to garnish when serving
1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes


1. Place potatoes in a microwave-safe bowl and cover.  Microwave on high for 7 minutes and set aside.

2. Meanwhile, season chicken thighs with 2 tsp. of the Italian seasoning and salt and pepper (I mixed 1/2 tsp. of kosher salt and 1/2 tsp. pepper with the Italian seasoning for this step).

3. In a large skillet over medium-high heat (7 on my stove), melt 2 T. of the butter.  Add chicken, skin-side down and sear each side until golden brown, 5 min. per side.

4. Transfer chicken thighs to a plate and drain skillet (no need to wipe/clean).

5. Return skillet to heat and melt remaining 2 T. of butter in it.  Add garlic, paprika, and remaining 2 tsp. of Italian seasoning, along with potatoes.  Sauté for 3 minutes.

6. Add tomatoes and chicken stock, bring to simmer.  Simmer for 5 minutes.

7. Add the cream, spinach, Parm-Regg. cheese, and red pepper flakes.  Reduce heat to medium (5 on my stove) and simmer for 3 minutes.

8. Return chicken to skillet, skin side up, and simmer for 15 min.  Check doneness of chicken--continue cooking until done (I had to go 10 more minutes).

9. Serve with additional Parm-Regg. cheese on top to garnish, and enjoy!  (Next time, I shall have a baguette with it to mop up the sauce at the end...)

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