09 October 2017

Stuffed Zucchini à la Franche-Comté

Recently, I took a short trip up to a part of France that I don't know very well: Franche-Comté.  While there, as I always try to do when traveling anywhere, I tried some regional cuisine.  This time, I discovered two things I really, really like: saucisse de Montbéliard (sausage of Montbéliard) and Cancoillotte, a cheese that, as the server stated in the restaurant where I asked about it, is hard to describe, better to just show and taste (which is exactly what she did for me!)  Long story short, I was inspired to either find a recipe or create one to make something with these new found culinary delights.  I ended up creating this recipe based on a few different recipes for stuffed zucchini using Italian sausage.  And oh, am I ever glad I did!  This is a 10 all the way--it's just plain amazing!  Problem is, I did not measure anything apart from the sausage, so I can only 'guesstimate' the amounts.  As for the sausage, I don't think I've ever seen it in the states, but I think this recipe could work well with other types, such as Italian or Kielbasa, or even Chorizo.  Enjoy!


150 g (1 link) saucisse de Montbéliard
1 large zucchini (around 12" in length), cut in half lengthwise and seeded flesh removed/discarded (to look like 'boats')
2/3 c. chopped yellow onion
1 small garlic clove, minced
1/2 c. fresh breadcrumbs
1/2 of a beaten egg
1 tsp. herbes de Provence
1/3 c. Cancoillotte cheese, heated (just enough to be pourable)
shredded Emmental cheese


1. Heat oven to 375°F (190°C).

2. Chop sausage into small bits and place in skillet.  Cook over medium to medium-high heat, breaking bits into crumbles as much as possible, until sausage starts to very slightly brown.  (note: amount in skillet shown is 2 links, which I realized was too much and only used half for the stuffing)

3. Transfer sausage to mixing dish/bowl, leaving rendered fat in skillet.  Add onion and garlic to skillet.  Cook until onion becomes somewhat translucent and barely beginning to brown.

4. Add onion and garlic mixture to sausage in mixing bowl, along with next 4 ingredients (breadcrumbs, egg, herbes, Cancoillotte).  Mix until combined.

5. Place prepared zucchini 'boats' in glass baking dish and season lightly with salt (if desired--this probably isn't necessary).  Fill each with half of sausage mixture.

6. Add water to baking dish to reach about 1/4" height in bottom of dish.

7. Bake, uncovered, for 30 min.

8. Top with desired amount of Emmental and return to oven.  Bake for additional 10 min.

9. Remove from oven and enjoy!!

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