05 February 2016


In honor of the French tradition (la chandeleur), I actually made these on the 2nd of February, but just now posting them.  I'd attempted some 'quick crêpes' in a past post, yet did not really care for the recipe I used back then.  This time, I listened to the advice of my fellow French teachers in a discussion group to which I belong and this recipe was the one voted as easy and successful every time used:

I completely agree--this recipe is just right!  I used it with both savory and dessert fillings, tasted great both ways.  This is a keeper :)


2 large eggs
3/4 c. milk (I used 2%)
1/2 c. water
1 c. flour
3 T. melted butter, plus additional for pan/cooking the crêpes


1. Add all ingredients to a blender and pulse for 10 seconds (I used the 'low' blend setting on mine).

2. Refrigerate batter for at least 1 hour (48 at most).

3. Heat a non-stick medium skillet (10") over slightly higher than medium heat (note to self: 4 1/2 on my stove).  Melt a small amount of butter (like a 1/2 tsp.?  didn't measure) in pan and swirl around.  Pour in a small amount of crêpe batter (making a circle that is about 4" or so in diameter) and immediately tilt pan to swirl batter all over (you want this to be very thin and as evenly spread as possible--it takes a little practice.  No pic here because this step has to happen very quickly.)

4. Cook crêpe for about 30 seconds; you should see edges browning and possibly curling up very slightly.  Flip crêpe to other side and cook for additional 15-30 seconds.  Immediately transfer to plate and add desired filling.  (You can roll it up, fold it over, or however you like to display it--going to be eaten within moments anyhow, right? :))

5.  Enjoy!  (one filled with Nutella is shown here)


Roquefort Sauce

I adore Roquefort cheese; my family does not, thus I rarely make recipes that have it (despite a very high desire to do so).  Since everyone can fill their crêpes with whatever they prefer, I decided to attempt a Roquefort sauce for my savory ones this time.  I adapted a recipe a bit and it turned out very tasty; however, it needed just a little something else.  I shall add some chopped walnuts or sliced mushrooms next time, think that would go well.  The amounts are in metric, as that is how I measured them as well.

Adapted and translated from:


30 g unsalted butter
20 g all-purpose flour
250 mL milk (2%)
pepper, to taste
2 T. crème fraîche
60 g Roquefort cheese, crumbled
shredded Gruyère, to taste


1. Over medium-low heat, melt butter in a medium skillet.  Add flour and whisk to combine.

2. Slowly whisk in milk, then add pepper to taste.  Bring to simmer, then simmer for 3 minutes.

3. Remove from heat.  Whisk in crème fraîche and Roquefort cheese.

4. Spread topping on crêpes and add desired amount of Gruyère (and any other desired toppings).  Enjoy!

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