29 January 2015

Welcome to my cooking blog :)

Hello, dear reader!  Welcome to my cooking blog--my name is Michelle and the title of this blog, "Dans la Cuisine de Michelle" is French for "In Michelle's Kitchen".

Background: I've loved to cook since I was little and used to help my mom in the kitchen.  I took some cooking classes in junior high and high school, plus learned quite a bit on my own.  When I became a high school French teacher, as part of the cultural component of the curriculum, I would have my students actually cook French food in the classroom.

Why this blog?: Since cooking is such a passion of mine and I have benefitted from cooking blogs of others, I wanted to start sharing my experiences as well.  I have been wanting to do this for a couple of years, thus I am quite excited to finally get it going!

About my style: I am not a professionally trained cook, nor am I one that keeps the kitchen in pristine order while doing so.  My pictures are not going to be professional ones by any means; I want this to be a blog that shows my authentic experiences in my kitchen.  Although I do enjoy cooking a variety of cuisines, French and Italian do tend to dominate, as you will see.

Enough about me, let's get something on the stove already!

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